About us

Who Are Inspire Supported Living

A Little About Us.....

Where Care & Compassion Go Hand In Hand

Inspire Supported Living is a registered provision with the Council, offering accommodation and support services for adults aged 18 years and over who have their needs met by the Local Authority or through private means.  As a person-centred organisation with an emphasis on enabling and empowering vulnerable individuals to go on a live independently within the community our primary goal is to meet  the needs of those who have been diagnosed with mental health disorders such as Depression,  Bipolar, Unstable Borderline Personality Disorders and Schizophrenia.

As well as a reliable wraparound service, Inspire Supported Living Services offers a semi-independent training programme which is tailored to work with the service user based on their individual needs. From daily living skills such as cooking, household maintenance, budgeting and managing bills to assistance with understanding government forms and managing medication. Those who stay with us are helped to develop their social skills through the group living experience as well as involvement in community activities whilst encouraging them to feel part of the group and able to own and build on their experiences. This is achieved through group and individual discussions, sharing experiences, helping each person to respect the other and accepting the responsibilities for their actions and providing therapeutic supported as required.

With three locations, Inspire Supported Living accommodations have been designed as homes which provide positive spaces in secure, safe, and well-maintained environments for service users to grow into independent living. All accommodations are manned 24/7 by our highly trained and professional staff teams in order to provide that extra peace of mind and support for all.

Trusted and Reliable Care and Support

Providing more than just a service

A Holistic Approach

Primarily, Inspire Supported Living Services offers a holistic approach to supporting those with Mental health to redress the imbalance that some individuals face in the care support system due to discrimination, racism, and negative stereotyping of sexuality, which is unfortunately a reality for many  people looked after today.

Working In Partnership

We believe that working in partnership with a variety of professional services is key in assisting the individuals placed in our care to reach their full potential. Inspire Supported Living work closely with Social Workers, families, and therapeutic services to assist the individuals placed in our care to reach their full potential.


Great care is taken to assess referrals in particular, any emergency referrals; to ensure the correct balance/matching within the existing group of residents is maintained. Inspire Supported Living Services operates and is geared towards working with the service user, using the organisations, assessment, care planning and review system.


Dedicated Staff

Inspire provides a diverse mix of highly trained and dedicated staff who have the skills and experience in assisting those with mental health needs.

Tailored Care

Tailored Care plans are put in place for each individual who stays with us ensuring to work towards the best possible outcomes.


Inspire supported living have three safe and secure accommodations providing care, support and accommodation services  for adults aged 18 years and over.

24 Hour Support

Inspire provide a wrap around service which offers care and support to service users 24 hours a day, 365 day a year.


We offer planned and emergency placements to those in need of a reliable and trusted care and support service.

Respite Care

Inspire also offers a reliable respite service for those in need of short breaks and Respite care for their loved ones.